Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Roof: Part 2

Once again, the weather is against us. DH and MD were able to get a few hours in. Long enough to get the plywood on the other side of the roof. Next available day to work, they are going to put on ice shield and tar paper the side they just finished sheathing. After that comes shingles! Woo hoo.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Roof: Part 1

Yep. Part 1. DH's work schedule, MD's work schedule, and the weather just refuse to cooperate with each other. Because of this, we're only able to work a few hours 1 day a week. Sometimes, we get lucky and we get TWO days for a few hours.

Anyway, we've been able to get half the roof's plywood and tar paper on. The next sunny day MD is hoping that he and DH will be able to get the other half on.

 DH and MD putting the plywood up on the rafters.
 Almost done with the one half!
 This is the front of the house.
 My Dad up in the rafters. 
See. Sheathed and tar papered.