Sunday, November 18, 2012

Shingles are done!

Woo hoo. Today DH finished putting the shingles on the house's roof. All that's left to do there is put the ridge vent on. Yay! Tomorrow, we start tearing off the garage's roof so that it can be replaced. Yay!

 See. Aren't they beautiful?
 DH hard at work putting the shingles on.
Tada! The shingles are complete! (As you can see, the sides of the house are all sheathed as well.)

So, the next few weeks will be busy. Tearoff/replacement of the garage roof, then housewrap for the house. After that, we'll likely have little done, as we're running out of money right now. Layoffs and hour reductions are hitting us hard. Once the spring gets here though, we'll be going all out to finish this! That's the price of building with no loan though. Sometimes you run out of money. :)


  1. May I ask how long DH worked to finish this? Installing shingles can be difficult if you’re doing it alone because there’s a lot of labor, and you have to be precise with your measurements. I guess you have that part well-covered because the shingles came along nicely!

    Terry Arnold

    1. Terry, it took him about 5 days to do the house, and then 3 more to do to the garage. All in all not bad considering he'd never done them before.
